Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Bewitching Swirls of Non-Dairy Creamers

It’s been a very great day!
How ‘bout a cup of your favorite coffee or tea?

What a great way to perk up your morning just by admiring and savoring those creamy and dreamy swirls on your cup?  Swirls that looks like a wonderful work of art inside your cup swaying on top of your favorite morning beverage.  Swirls that can make a smile on your face and spark up an inspiration for you today.

But many coffee and tea lovers cannot drink up without having a swirl or tip in dashes of that white creamery powder on top of their favorite drink.  But many does not really know the mystery behind those bewitching swirls and was more fascinated by the looks and the perky-like taste it brings to its partner beverage making it inseparable and routine to go almost every time you indulge in them.

Why non-dairy?
You probably have lactose intolerance or a practicing Vegan that made you choose a non-dairy creamer to go with your coffee.  Lactose is a type of sugar normally found in milk that the body normally cannot digest easily.  And if you are a Vegan, its basic that non-dairy creamer will not go against your conviction of abhorring products and food ingredients that do not come from an animal killed to extract the food you are about to eat .

Dairy-free you say?
 But do you know those so called ‘non-dairy’ creamer are not really what they seem to be.  The milky and swirly texture effects of most coffee creamers are due to the milkfat or the so called sodium caseinate protein contained in them derived from the mammary glands of milking cows.  Other common flavor additives include corn syrup, vanilla and hazelnut.

What can go bad?

Creamy creamer?  Think again!  Some non-dairy creamers claims a haven of cream comparable to the likeness of real milk in taste and texture once added to your beverage.  But this isn’t always the case.  The truth is dairy milk is the original and non-dairy creamer is just actually an oxymoron to mimic the real and original.  Vegetable oils like palm or coconut oils were improved to mimic the creamy milky look and the somewhat degree of flavors.  But almost everyone can tell the obvious difference no matter what.
Add-ons to mimic the taste and consistency.  Additives like food flavors and food colors go into the commercial products to mimic dairy-like closeness.  And to top it all, even labels got creative dressing to go with the marketing and advertising of the product.  Product labels such as coffee whiteners, coffee enhancer, organic, etc. camouflage the additives description as part of the commercialism campaigns.
Calorie count boosters.   If you’re coffee addict and on a diet, drinking black coffee may count as an almost no calorie drink habit but if you put on non-dairy creamer as an add-on, the counter reverts back the fat and calorie reading.  If you’re used calculating your caloric intake, you will surely find out the risk on the serving portions of your regular indulgence by just the mere look on the table of ingredients on the label of the product.  Be careful not to fall on the pit of those calorie booster creamers.

Watch out for bad cholesterol inhibitors.  Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or trans-fatty acids are bad cholesterol from unsaturated fats like the ones coming from industrially produced vegetable fats.  Over the limit consumption can lead to the risk of serious diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.  Ideally, one should not consume no more than 2 grams in a day.  Again, examining the label of your creamer can greatly help your risk of letting these synthetic additives and harmful inhibitors in your body.

Fireball in your creamer.   Did you know that the popular TV program Mythbusters who once experimented on the Mentos-Diet Coke combination, also did a similar explosive demonstration using powdered non-dairy creamer as an ignition medium?  Watched the video below, as a large packed powdered creamer was put into cannon and created a massive fireball.   Don’t worry though if you are just on the small spoonful habit.

It may be bad news for people who have lactose intolerance to cream their coffee and tea with real dairy milk, but best is not to put those white snow-like powders at all and savor the rich flavor of real coffee or tea.  Equally important is making the habit of reading the label of whatever food products you will eat and keep away from substance and ingredients that could be explosively risky to your health.  Be aware and be healthy safe in your everyday food indulgence for a better wellbeing.

Creamer Cannon

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